The time and places that we live in are determined by God that we might look for Him and find Him.

Our Story

The Evangelical Chinese Church started in 1983, with the vision to reach migrants, mostly from South East Asia, who were settling with their families in the growing west of Sydney. At the time, churches ministering to the Australian Chinese community were centred in or near the Sydney CBD. ECC’s worship service and ministries were held in English, building the church community around God’s word while assimilating with Australian culture.

Today, we enjoy a flourishing intergenerational community. We celebrate being able to worship and serve together over multiple generations.

Because of Christ, our joy is to welcome more into His spiritual family. You are welcome whatever your age, whether or not you have kids, and whatever your cultural background. We would love for you to visit and join us!

Founding Pastor

The late Pastor Dr Alan Chong and his wife met with 5 families at ECC’s first church service on 4 December 1983, at St Peters, Church St, Parramatta. He served as a bi-vocational minister for 37 years, teaching and leading the congregation at ECC and also serving the communities of Westmead, Fairfield and Liverpool as a Paediatrician. With compassion for the sick, and a heart to see people find God, the late Pastor Dr Alan Chong ministered to many. He was a father-figure, well-loved friend, mentor and Pastor.